Here follows a short list of some IntelliJ IDEA useful shortcuts and tips to improve your productivity whilst coding Java.
Type Alt + Insert
to open the code generation dropbox, then type:
directly, then Up
and Ctrl + Enter
for no-arg constructor.Enter
directly, then Ctrl + A
to select all of the arguments.get
for generating only getters, then Ctrl + A
to select’em all.set
for generating only setters, then Ctrl + A
to select’em all.gas
for generating both getters and setters, then Ctrl + A
to select’em
for generating the toString
or eq
for equals
and hashCode
, then manually pick your fields or just hit Enter
three times.Type the following inside of your class then press Enter to automatically generate the desired snippet:
for a public static void main method.sout
for an empty System.out.println() call.Ctrl + Alt + L
.Ctrl + Alt + O
.Ctrl + Alt + V
.Ctrl + N
.Ctrl + Shift + N
, it opens a dialog where you can type things like format and the IDE will search for files and actions containing format in its name.Ctrl + Shift + F9
to compile a single class.Ctrl + Shift + F10
to run the main
method.When you run a main
method of a class within your project, it invokes the Build
process of the given project. To avoid that:
Edit Configurations...
;Application -> Class-you-want-to-run
, remove the step Build
at the bottom of the window by clicking on the red minus button and click OK
;Ctrl + Shift + F9
to compile it;Ctrl + Shift + F10
to run your main method.If you still don’t use Lombok, the following templates are useful for auto generating code and javadocs. The highlighted lines are the lines I’ve changed from the original templates.
#if($field.modifierStatic) static ## #end $field.type ## #set($name = $StringUtil.capitalizeWithJavaBeanConvention($StringUtil.sanitizeJavaIdentifier($helper.getPropertyName($field, $project)))) #if ($field.boolean && $field.primitive) is## #else get## #end ${name}() { return $; }
#set($paramName = $helper.getParamName($field, $project)) #if($field.modifierStatic) static ## #end void set$StringUtil.capitalizeWithJavaBeanConvention($StringUtil.sanitizeJavaIdentifier($helper.getPropertyName($field, $project)))($field.type $paramName) { #if ($ == $paramName) #if (!$field.modifierStatic) this.## #else $classname.## #end #end $ = $paramName; }
I will keep updating this list as soon as I discover new features and shortcuts.
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