Python function decorator

3 years ago

This guide will show you how to create a Python function decorator with a few easy steps, to help you…

Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker daemon socket

3 years ago

This guide will show you how to fix the error Got permission denied while trying to connect to the Docker…

Python virtual environment on Intellij IDEA

3 years ago

This guide will show you how to create a Python virtual environment on Intellij IDEA and activate it on Intellij's…

Find and kill processes on Linux and Mac by port number

3 years ago

This tutorial will quickly show you how to to find and kill processes on Linux, Mac and other Unix based…

Python: Relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol can not be used when making a shared object Error

3 years ago

This guide shows a possible solution for Python error Relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against symbol can not be used when making a…

Kubernetes useful commands

3 years ago

I condensed below a cheat sheet of Kubernetes useful commands. I will keep updating this list as I come across…

Create aliases for commands on Unix

4 years ago

This tutorial will show how to create aliases for commands on Unix based systems, so you can run any set…

Intellij Error: Could not find or load main class

4 years ago

This tutorial will show how to quickly fix the Intellij Error: Could not find or load main class when running…

Add SBT wrapper to a project

4 years ago

This tutorial will show how to add SBT wrapper to a project, so we don't have to install either Sbt…

Scala: scala.util.Try

4 years ago

The type scala.util.Try is an operation that may result in either an exception or a valid output. Let's explore a…