Git useful commands

4 years ago

In this post I will share a collection of Git useful commands that I'm certain we will need during our…

Adding Gradle Wrapper to an existing project

4 years ago

This quick tutorial will show the few steps for adding Gradle Wrapper to an existing project, in order to reduce…

Scala: access modifiers

5 years ago

Scala provides a more granular access control if compared to Java. This post describes and shows how to implement each…

Object Calisthenics

5 years ago

Object Calisthenics is an exercise proposed by Jeff Bay in the book The Thoughtworks Anthology, that outlines a set of…

macOS: zip files without .DS_Store and __MACOSX

5 years ago

Whenever you have to zip and share files, you probably don't want to include the .DS_Store file and __MACOSX folder…

Don’t install Java by yourself anymore, use SDKMAN! instead

5 years ago

For years I have been managing my JDK all by myself, for instance, you'll find a good amount of tutorials…

Permanently authenticate with a Git repository

6 years ago

This post shows how to permanently authenticate with a Git repository, so you don't need to type credentials when pushing…

Share local project on GitHub

6 years ago

This post will show how to share a local project on GitHub in a few easy steps using the command…

Install pyenv on Ubuntu and Debian

6 years ago

This tutorial will show how to install pyenv on Ubuntu and other Debian distributions, so you can quickly switch between…

View logs of running and crashed pods in Kubernetes

6 years ago

This tutorial will show you how to view logs of running and crashed pods in Kubernetes, also the ability to…