
Adding Gradle Wrapper to an existing project

This quick tutorial will show the few steps for adding Gradle Wrapper to an existing project, in order to reduce…

4 years ago

Object Calisthenics

Object Calisthenics is an exercise proposed by Jeff Bay in the book The Thoughtworks Anthology, that outlines a set of…

5 years ago

Don’t install Java by yourself anymore, use SDKMAN! instead

For years I have been managing my JDK all by myself, for instance, you'll find a good amount of tutorials…

5 years ago

IntelliJ IDEA useful shortcuts and tips

Here follows a short list of some IntelliJ IDEA useful shortcuts and tips to improve your productivity whilst coding Java.…

7 years ago

Set up Play project on Eclipse

This tutorial is going to show you how to set up a Play Framework 2.6 project on Eclipse IDE. Pre-requisites…

7 years ago

Create Play Java Project

This tutorial is going to show you how to create a Play Java project using the command line build tool…

7 years ago

Instalar o Play Framework 2.6

Este tutorial irá mostrar como instalar o Play Framework 2.6 no Ubuntu utilizando o gerenciador de dependências SBT. Pré-requisitos Java…

7 years ago

Install Play Framework 2.6

This tutorial is going to show you how to install Play Framework 2.6 on Ubuntu distributions by using the SBT…

7 years ago

Alterar a porta do servidor do Spring Boot

Este tutorial irá mostrar como alterar a porta do servidor do Spring Boot, para podermos utilizar uma porta diferente de…

7 years ago

Change Spring Boot server port

This tutorial will show you three different ways to change Spring Boot server port from its default 8080 to any…

7 years ago