I condensed below a cheat sheet of Kubernetes useful commands. I will keep updating this list as I come across other operations.
List all Kubernetes pods
kubectl get pods
List the pods in a different namespace (other than default)
kubectl get pods -n other_namespace
Describes a pod its settings including environment variables
kubectl describe pod my-pod
Connects to a pod’s command line
kubectl exec -it my-pod sh
Port forwards the port of a pod to localhost
kubectl port-forward my-pod 1234:1234
Tail to the logs of a pod
kubectl logs -f my-pod
Restarts a pod by removing it so the pod is recreated
kubectl delete pod my-pod
Forces the pod restart by removing it
kubectl delete pod my-pod --grace-period=0 --force
Delete all pods with status Completed
kubectl delete pod --field-selector=status.phase==Succeeded
Apply pod deployment changes
kubectl apply -f path/to/deployment.yml
Display the current context
kubectl config current-context
Change the context to a different context
kubectl config use-context other_context
Change the default namespace for subsequent commands:
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=my-namespace
Shows all Kubernetes nodes
kubectl get node --show-labels
Gets information about a service
kubectl get service myservice -o yaml
Gets secrets such as username and password for a service
kubectl get secrets myservice -o yaml
Run a job right now from a scheduled cronjob
kubectl create job --from=cronjob/my-cron my-cron-quick-run
MacOS: add Kubernetes runnables to OS PATH
chmod +x ./kubectl<br>sudo mv ./kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl