This blog is being written under the belief that knowledge should be shared, and I hope the information you find here help in the same way that other programming blogs and other sources of content have helped me and continue doing that. Moreover, while I share the knowledge, I make sure it will be harder to forget that information, and finally, all together results in a scenario that I and the whole community would benefit.
I’ll focus the topics of this blog on my fields of study: java, object-oriented paradigm with backgrounds of S.O.L.I.D, design patterns and object calisthenics, software engineering and service oriented architecture.
Moreover, posts will be released with solutions to specfic problems that I face on daily software development, and posts about new features I learned and believe to be interesting.
I wish the reader feel free to send comments, suggestions, criticism and praise, so as corrections in English and even in Portuguese (this one I hope not to appear so much!).
Hope you like it =)