Hello! I’m Bruno Gasparotto, a Brazilian software engineer for nine years, with a Bachelor in Computer Science and a Masters in Software Engineering with emphasis on Service-oriented Architecture.
I love writing Java and Scala code up to the highest quality standards. In fact, I believe that details matter, good tests are crucial, and producing pieces of code that can be understood by other engineers is just as important as making the compiler happy.
Feel free to contact me by:
- E-mail: bruno.m.gasparotto@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/in/bgasparotto/en
- GitHub: https://github.com/bgasparotto
Happy coding =]
Thank you Bruno for posting blog on wildfly
it is really useful.can you publish blog related to svn integration in jbpm console
Thank you for reading, Mahesh, I’m glad it was helpful.
I didn’t use jBPM yet, but if I happen to work with this tool, I’ll give a look on the proposed topic.