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IntelliJ IDEA useful shortcuts and tips

Here follows a short list of some IntelliJ IDEA useful shortcuts and tips to improve your productivity whilst coding Java.

Code generation

Type Alt + Insert to open the code generation dropbox, then type:


  • Enter directly, then Up and Ctrl + Enter for no-arg constructor.
  • Enter directly, then Ctrl + A to select all of the arguments.
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Create Play Java Project

This tutorial is going to show you how to create a Play Java project using the command line build tool SBT in simple steps.

Create a Workspace

First, create a workspace in order to keep things organised:

mkdir play-workspace
cd play-workspace
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Change Spring Boot server port

Change Spring Boot server port logo

This tutorial will show you three different ways to change Spring Boot server port from its default 8080 to any other port you like.

The following steps are agnostic to your current Spring Boot’s embedded server, it should not make any difference whether you are using Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow.

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Alterar o container padrão do Spring Boot

Change Spring Boot embedded container logo

Este tutorial irá mostrar como alterar o container padrão do Spring Boot, para podermos utilizar o Jetty ou o Undertow ao invés do Tomcat.

O projeto Spring Boot Starter Web já vêm com Spring MVC e o container Tomcat integrados, os quais são empacotados juntos com o jar executável do Spring Boot. Deste modo, tudo que você precisa para executar sua aplicação já está incluído neste arquivo jar.

No entanto, é possível substituirmos o container padrão do Tomcat por outro container de sua escolha, então irei mostrar os passos necessários para isso.

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Change Spring Boot embedded container

Change Spring Boot embedded container logo

This tutorial will show you show to change Spring Boot embedded container from its default Tomcat, to an alternative Jetty or Undertow.

The project Spring Boot Starter Web ships with Spring MVC and a Tomcat embedded container that at build time, is packaged within the executable jar file of the standalone Spring Boot application, so everything you need to run the application including the web container itself, is included in that jar.

However, you may want to change Tomcat for another container of your choice by whatever it is the reason, so I will going to show the required steps.

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