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IntelliJ IDEA useful shortcuts and tips

Here follows a short list of some IntelliJ IDEA useful shortcuts and tips to improve your productivity whilst coding Java.

Code generation

Type Alt + Insert to open the code generation dropbox, then type:


  • Enter directly, then Up and Ctrl + Enter for no-arg constructor.
  • Enter directly, then Ctrl + A to select all of the arguments.
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Create Play Java Project

This tutorial is going to show you how to create a Play Java project using the command line build tool SBT in simple steps.

Create a Workspace

First, create a workspace in order to keep things organised:

mkdir play-workspace
cd play-workspace
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Install Spring Tool Suite on Eclipse

Spring logo

This tutorial will show how to install Spring Tool Suite on Eclipse and also the option to download and run the stand-alone version of the suite.

The Spring Tool Suite (STS) is an Eclipse based toolbox for Spring development, containing features such as a Boot Dashboard, support to the whole Spring ecosystem and native integration with Maven, Gradle and Git.


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EJB: Application Exception vs System Exception

There are two types of exceptions in EJB: application exception and system exception. This guide will show how to identify and implement both of them.

Why two types of exceptions in EJB?

In EJB, it’s important to know whether an exception has occurred because of a business problem or a system error. That way, EJB exceptions are split in two to represent a maybe recoverable business problem (like an ordinary checked exception in Java) or a unexpected and unrecoverable issue caused by a system error or bad coding (like common runtime exceptions).

After all the concepts involved, they are just ordinary exceptions with meaningful metadata defined by annotations or XML configuration in the deployment descriptor to tell the EJB container how to deal with them.

Read More »EJB: Application Exception vs System Exception